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Glenwood Transition Night

Glenwood Transition Night

4th grade families, your journey for the 2024-2025 school year starts now! Join us from 6:00-7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 18th, or Tuesday, March 19th, at Glenwood Intermediate School at 1015 44th St NW, Canton, OH 44709.

  • Families from Barr, Warstler, and Middlebranch should attend on 3/18.
  • Families from Avondale, Frazer, and Taft should attend on 3/19.

Incoming 5th grade students (current 4th graders) are invited to an informational night at Glenwood Intermediate School to learn about the scheduling process and the opportunities available to students. Students and their families will be able to tour the building, learn about the scheduling process, meet teachers and learn more about the activities available to them by talking with activity sponsors and participating students. Questions? Email

Click here to view the Glenwood Transition Guide